All Age Family Service
Family Service
Attending Our Family Service….what can you expect?
First of all a warm Bethesda welcome as you come in the building!
Our Family Service each Sunday is, as it says, a time for families to come to church together.
Dress code is casual!
Tea/ Coffee (free) is available from10.30 onwards we start our Service at 11.00am.
Typically this includes some singing, accompanied by our Worship band, with a combination of modern and traditional songs.
There is a ‘kids slot’ with a fun and interactive 15 minute session, before the children go to their own sessions, 'Blast!' & ‘Discoverer’s Inc’ (teenagers to 'Sunday Morning Youth' ) where they enjoy Bible stories/discussions with dedicated teachers. There is also a creche facility ('Noah's Ark').
Adults will listen to a message from a range of both in-house and visiting speakers, who seek to present a message from a range of topics, as we seek to show the relevance of God’s Word the Bible and Jesus Christ in the 21st Century..
The Service will finish around 12:15pm , but feel free to stay and chat as long as you want!.....and then come again!
Please look at other parts of the web site for details of all other services and activities that are happening….You will be made very welcome!
