Worship, Teaching and Communion....
each week at 6.00pm at Bethesda plus 1st Sunday Monthly at 9.30am
​We celebrate Communion because Jesus commanded his followers to remember Him and his death. Anyone who has accepted Jesus as their Saviour and friend is welcome to take Communion with us.
During the Evening Service we also accommodate families with young children by having "Kidzone", an informal fun time for them to be together while parents are in the Worship Service.
For more information on what we at Bethesda believe, please see our Statement of Faith on our website, or request a copy from one of the Church leaders.
Each Sunday we hold an evening service at Bethesda, where everyone is welcome. Also, to assist those who can't come to the evening service we hold a morning Communion Service on 1st Sunday monthly.
We come together remember Jesus' death, to worship and recognise the amazing love that God had for his creation by sending the Lord Jesus Christ to this earth to die for our wrong doings.


6pm - 7.15pm
