Giving of our time, talents and money is a Biblical principle that seeks to enable us to achieve our core mission of “Sharing the Message of Jesus Christ with Compassion”
Bethesda Chapel is an independent church and Members decide themselves what they feel is
appropriate and affordable to give.….there is no set amount or ‘rule’ on this matter. Financial giving
enables us to meet our commitments and also support a variety of Christian and secular activities, such as food for the Homeless, Vale Foodbank or others in need. Visitors are rarely approached to make a donation, except where perhaps a global or local emergency occurs, for which we know there is a desire to show support. Members of Bethesda are encouraged to give regularly, preferably by a bank standing order arrangement, and if sufficient UK Tax is paid, to Gift Aid the amount in order that Bethesda may claim a tax rebate, in line with our Charity Status
Our Bank details are as follows:
Sort Code: 30-96-91
Account: Bethesda Chapel
Account Number 00636340 (Please specify your name)
Please contact us if you require further information or to complete a Gift Aid Form, if appropriate ..Thanks!